The vibration of a gong is a powerful method for reducing stress. Known as a Gong Bath, the gong creates an ocean of sound that is profoundly relaxing; a state which activates the parasympathetic nervous system to balance the over-amped, over-taxed sympathetic nervous system. Water has often been used as an analogy for the rippling effect of the gong’s vibrations, partially because our bodies are approximately 70 percent water and water serves to conduct sound waves. Like ripples created by a pebble skipped onto a glassy lake, the gong’s sound gently reverberates over, around and through the entire body to calm, relax and soothe. Typically, the listener’s heart rate slows, blood pressure drops and breath is restored to its natural rhythm. The gong induces a holistic resonance in the body and a spontaneous meditative state in the mind, resulting in a sense of expanded awareness and wholeness.
Sound Healing has a scientific basis in neuroscience and physics, but there are still many aspects that seem to defy explanation. Our minds and emotional experiences alter our physical state, and in turn, our physical state alters our emotions and mind. The wisdom traditions teach that illness is a symptom of imbalance, or dissonance rather than resonance. Sound energy healing focuses on creating vibrations that improve overall health and wellness. The Gong opens up the chakras and releases blocked energy, much like acupuncture or massage can do – it really is a sound massage.
A gong bath is excellent therapy for depression, fatigue, feelings of separation, grief, anger, fear, hostility and many other conditions caused by a lack of balance and harmony in the body and mind. I believe that a Gong Bath is the most powerful form of holistic resonance that clears attachments that no longer serve you.
In the simplest terms, the gong awakens innate wholeness and guides the body to a state of greater balance and harmony. A gong bath is as scientifically sound as it is mysterious. It is as other-worldly as it is logical. It requires nothing but receptivity in order to be fully experienced, but it must be experienced in order to be understood.