90 MINUTE $250 IN HOUSE $350 (Travel)

DEEP TISSUE:    Deep Tissue Massage is my specialty and my personal favorite. It’s perfect for pre or post- workouts and targets the deeper tissue structures of the muscle using strong pressure, deep strokes and friction across the muscle grain to release chronic muscle tension. I usually combine Deep Tissue with other modalities listed below offering a custom session for personal needs.

SHIATSU:  An Eastern approach with roots in TCM and the Five Element Theory. This acupressure treatment uses points that lie on pathways or meridians. The energy within these 12 meridians is called Qi or Life Force Energy. Illness occurs when the flow of qi is blocked or out of balance. This treatment is done on a mat or blanket on the floor; expect stretching and compression to balance the flow of Qi and circulation of blood.

TRIGGER POINT THERAPY:  Trigger point massage therapy is a deep massage specifically designed to alleviate the source of the pain through cycles of isolated pressure and release. It is an investigative healing process that the recipient actively participates through deep breathing as well as identifying sore spots or areas of intensity while unlocking the knots. For best results this is an interactive massage with open dialogue for ultimate therapeutic benefits.

MYOFASCIAL RELEASE: MFR is designed to go in and smooth out blockages or knots, returning the fascia to its normal fluid and adaptable self. MFR focuses on releasing muscular shortness and tightness in a slow manner.  A gentle, sustained pressure is applied to points of restriction, allowing the connective tissue to release.

CRANIOSACRAL THERAPY:  CST is a gentle, hands-on method of evaluating and enhancing the functioning of the craniosacral system, comprised of the cerebrospinal fluid that surrounds and protects the brain and spinal cord.  Using a soft touch at the occipital area of the head/neck generally no greater than 5 grams, or about the weight of a nickel, releases restrictions to improve the functioning of the central nervous system.

THAI MASSAGE:  Thai massage incorporates a traditional combination of point pressure, energy meridian work, and yoga-like stretching for an invigorating and balancing experience.  Thai Massage is done on the floor on a mat while wearing comfortable yoga clothes.  

CBD MASSAGE: Give some extra TLC with a CBD infused massage. Cannabidiol is a cannabis compound that is non-psychoactive is used for it’s natural anti-inflammatory properties. Get to the root of the problem quickly and effectively using a special CBD balm. May contain Lidocaine, Menthol and Arnica.




1 HOUR $144 2 HOURS $222

REIKI ENERGY :  Reiki is a form of spiritual healing using "universal life energy" while channelling divine symbols to harmonize the body, mind, and spirit enhancing the body’s natural ability to heal itself. While in a relaxed and meditative position power symbols and energy is transmitted through the hands, although there is little or no direct contact during this healing therapy. Symbols like Choku Rei' invoke the power of divine healing.

CHAKRA BALANCING:   A pendulum is used to assess and diagnose the imbalances using essential oils, crystals and sound to clear, balance and heal the chakra system.  Activates your body's natural healing system and strengthens your auric field.  Kundalini Yoga Therapy is implemented.  

GONG SOUND BATH:   The gong is a sacred and ancient instrument of rejuvenation and transformation healing the Mind, Body and Spirit while heightening the state of consciousness.  A Gong Bath creates an ocean of sound that is deeply relaxing; balances the nervous system and stimulates the glandular system to an extrordinary level that clears and washes away any blockage and emotional debris.

KUNDALINI YOGA THERAPY: One on-one Kundalini yoga, meditation, kriya and mantra fit for the current condition or ailment.

BIO-FIELD TUNING FORKS: Powerful sound vibration clears the bio-field of blockages and trauma and can alleviate a wide range of health issues. Various tuning forks are utilized such as the 528 Hz “Frequency of Love”- that is from the original sacred Solfeggio musical scale known as the “Miracle Note” that has been proven to repair DNA.

MERIDIAN LIFE FORCE HEALING : Using Qi Gong and moving Life Force energy to invigorate or release the 12 meridian system while aligning the four points of the Hara Line to your higher self or your true node- also known as Intention Alignment.

ANGELIC ENERGY HEALING: Rays of Light channeled from the Archangels with the power of the Violet Flame- transmutes negativity and balances karma. Infused with the sacred symbol of the Metatron Cube, also known as the Merkaba which is the divine symbol based on sacred geometry that makes up the entire matrix of existence. ArchAngel Michael Cord-Cutting is a way to sever attachments that no longer serve you.

SIGNATURE CELL HEALING:  Pioneered by Kahu Fred Sterling, Signature Cell Healing encompasses a total approach to healing the four bodies: spiritual, mental, emotional and physical. A modality brought forth to awaken the cellular consciousness within. Prana Healing designed to open the energy channels and raises consciousness.  

ORACLE CARD READING (choose a deck):   Request a magical oracle reading and get messages from your spirit guides: Fairies, Angels, Goddesses, Ascended Master, and Saints.  They're all around us!! Blessings!!

PENDULUM READING: Delve into the Power of the Pendulum connecting with the Holy Spirit for Divine guidance. ❦

 HEART TO HEART:   The miraculous power of hugging has endless physiological effects believe it or not! A healing hug stimulates good chemicals of the brain and releases endorphins and lowers heart rate resulting in Euphoria! Each Session ends with Heart to Heart. ❥❥